Dance Across Borders (2016)

Dance Across Borders is a short dance performance which is the result of two months of dance and theater workshops where young people with different experiences and backgrounds met to ask questions and look at society from different perspectives at Skånes Dansteater. These young people want to tell their stories with their own secret language. Is it possible to dance across borders? What is right and what is wrong? How can we communicate in this paradoxical society? Is there a solution?
Atoosa Farahmand started her work as a project leader at Skånes Dansteater with the project ‘‘Dance Across Borders’’ which was aimed to open the doors of the dance company to new target groups as participants and audiences. Her target group was mainly young people who were newly arrived in Sweden together with others.
More information, click here.
Atoosa Farahmand started her work as a project leader at Skånes Dansteater with the project ‘‘Dance Across Borders’’ which was aimed to open the doors of the dance company to new target groups as participants and audiences. Her target group was mainly young people who were newly arrived in Sweden together with others.
More information, click here.